Allan J. Silberger and Ernst-Wilhelm Zink
The Shintani descent of a cuspidal representation of GLn(kd)
Preprint series: Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ISSN 0863-0976)
20C33 Representations of finite groups of Lie type
22E50 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields
Abstract: Let k be a finite field, kd | k the degree d extension of k and G(kd) the general linear group GLn with entries in kd. Shintani (T. Shintani, Two Remarks on Irreducible Characters of Finite General Linear Groups, J. Math. Society of Japan 28 (1976), 396-414) showed how to associate to any generator of the Galoisgroup Gal(kd | k) a bijective mapping j from the set of Galois invariant characters of G(kd) to the set of all irreducible characters of G(k) which in a natural way generalizes the bijection X ° Norm \mapsto X for G = G1.
Let Theta be a Galois invariant cuspidal character of G(kd). Then (d,n) = 1, and the Green's parameter of Theta is of the form [X ° Norm] where X is a character of kxn and the norm refers to kdn | kn. In this paper we show that j(Theta) is cuspidal and has [X] as its Green's parameter, independently of the choice which has been made to define j. These facts follow from more general assertions proved by global methods for GLn over local fields (J. G. Arthur and L. Clozel, Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula, Annals of Math. Study 120, Princeton U. Press, 1989). The arguments of the present paper make use of only the classical theory of representations of general linear groups over finite fields.

Keywords: general linear group, finite field, characters, base change, Shintani descent