An unified approach to linear differential algebraic equations and their
adjoint equations ( Postscript
/ tex)
Katalin Balla, Roswitha März
Preprint series: Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin (ISSN 0863-0976), 25
MSC 2000
34A09 Implicit equations, differential-algebraic equations
34A30 Linear equations and systems, general
of a single matrix occuring in the standard setting the leading term of
the linear differential equation is composed of a pair of well matched
matrices. This problem formulation enables an unified treatment of the
original equation and its adjoint one. An index notion is proposed for
the equations and solvability statements for the lower index case are proven.
The original equation and its adjoint are shown to have the same index.
Their fundamental solution matrices satisfy a relation that generalizes
the classical Lagrange identity. The coefficients are assumed to be just
continuous and only certain subspaces have to be continuously differentiable
additionally. Solution representations are given that base on the solutions
of certain inherent regular ODEs which are uniquely determined by the problem
algebraic equations, adjoint equations, index, Lagrange identity