Nicole Gröwe-Kuska, Werner Römisch
Preprint series: Institut für Mathematik, Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin (ISSN 0863-0976), 03-2002, 20
MSC 2000
90C15 Stochastic programming
90C90 Applications of mathematical programming
90C11 Mixed integer programming
present a mixed-integer multistage stochastic programming model for the
short term unit commitment of a hydro-thermal power system under uncertainty
in load, inflow to reservoirs, and prices for fuel and delivery contracts.
The model is implemented for uncertain load and tested on realistic data
from a German power utility. Load scenario trees are generated by a procedure
consisting of two steps: (i) Simulation of load scenarios using an explicit
respresentation of the load distribution and (ii) construction of a tree
out of these scenarios. The dimension of the corresponding mixed-integer
programs ranges up to 200,000 binary and 350,000 continuous variables.
The model is solved by a Lagrangian-based decomposition strategy exploiting
the loose coupling structure. Solving the Lagrangian dual by a proximal
bundle method leads to a successive decomposition into single unit subproblems,
which are solved by specific algorithms. Finally, Lagrangian heuristics
are used to construct nearly optimal first stage decisions.
programming, unit commitment, Lagrangian relaxation, bundle methods, scenario
tree generation