@article{1001.49034, author="Bergounioux, M. and Haddou, M. and Hinterm\"uller, M. and Kunisch, K.", title="{A comparison of a Moreau-Yosida-based active set strategy and interior point methods for constrained optimal control problems.}", language="English", journal="SIAM J. Optim. ", volume="11", number="2", pages="495-521", year="2000", doi={10.1137/S1052623498343131}, abstract="{Summary: This research is devoted to the numerical solution of constrained optimal control problems governed by elliptic partial differential equations. The main purpose is a comparison between a recently developed Moreau-Yosida-based active set strategy involving primal and dual variables and two implementations of interior point algorithms.}", keywords="{optimal control; interior point methods; Moreau-Yosida approximation; active sets}", classmath="{*49M30 (Methods of successive approximation, not based on necessary cond.) 90C51 (Interior-point methods) 49J20 (Optimal control problems with PDE (existence)) 65K05 (Mathematical programming (numerical methods)) }", }