@article{1126.74040, author="Hinterm\"uller, M. and Kovtunenko, V.A. and Kunisch, K.", title="{Constrained optimization for interface cracks in composite materials subject to non-penetration conditions.}", language="English", journal="J. Eng. Math. ", volume="59", number="3", pages="301-321", year="2007", doi={10.1007/s10665-006-9113-7}, abstract="{Summary: A constrained problem for a composite material with an interface crack subject to non-penetration conditions is considered. The response of a composite consisting of two identical homogeneous orthotropic materials is described with respect to in-plane deformation. The coupling of the materials occurs at an interface with angle between their vertical planes of elastic symmetry. The model is not split into independent in-plane and anti-plane states. Well-posedness of the problem is proved by variational methods. For numerical computations, a semi-smooth Newton method is proposed and its convergence is studied. Using the proposed algorithms, numerical experiments for an interface crack under mode-3 loading are presented and analyzed with respect to the half-angle defining the coupling.}", keywords="{semi-smooth Newton methods; variational methods; mode-3 loading}", classmath="{*74R10 (Brittle fracture) 74E30 (Composite and mixture properties) 74G65 (Energy minimization) }", }