@article{0978.65054, author="Hinterm\"uller, Michael", title="{Inverse coefficient problems for variational inequalities: Optimality conditions and numerical realization.}", language="English", year="2001", doi={10.1051/m2an:2001109}, abstract="{The identification of a distributed parameter in an elliptic variational inequality is considered. A practical application is the inverse elastohydrodynamic lubrication problem. Using the least squares method leads to a bilevel optimal control problem. The classical Lagrange multipliers approach fails. The author uses a primal-dual penalization technique. The optimality system for the optimal control problem, which is derived on the basis of this penalization technique, and the use of the concept of complementarity functions lead to a numerical algorithm. \par The discretized first order optimality conditions system is solved by a stabilized Gauss-Newton method. Numerical tests are presented.}", reviewer="{V.Arn\u{a}utu (Ia\c{s}i)}", keywords="{inverse problem; elliptic variational inequality; inverse elastohydrodynamic lubrication problem; least squares method; optimal control; primal-dual penalization technique; complementarity functions; algorithm; Gauss-Newton method; numerical tests}", classmath="{*65K10 (Optimization techniques (numerical methods)) 49J40 (Variational methods including variational inequalities) 49M30 (Methods of successive approximation, not based on necessary cond.) 76D08 (Lubrication theory) 76M30 (Variational methods) 49M15 (Methods of Newton-Raphson, Galerkin and Ritz types) 49N45 (Inverse problems in calculus of variations) }", }