@article{1059.65057, author="Hinterm\"uller, Michael and Ring, Wolfgang", title="{A level set approach for the solution of a state-constrained optimal control problem.}", language="English", journal="Numer. Math. ", volume="98", number="1", pages="135-166", year="2004", doi={10.1007/s00211-004-0531-z}, abstract="{The authors consider state constrained optimal control problems for linear elliptic partial differential equations of the type $$\gather\min J(y,u)= {1\over 2}\Vert y- y_d\Vert^2_{L^2(\Omega)}+ {\alpha\over 2} \Vert u\Vert^2_{L^2(\Omega)}\\ \text{subject to }\Delta y+ u= 0\quad\text{on }\Omega\quad\text{and }y\le\psi\quad\text{on }\Omega.\endgather$$ Analyzing the corresponding first-order optimality conditions an algorithm is given which is based on the level set methodology. Numerical tests are given.}", reviewer="{Hans Benker (Merseburg)}", keywords="{state constrained optimal control; linear elliptic partial differential equations; algorithm; level set method; numerical examples}", classmath="{*65K10 (Optimization techniques (numerical methods)) 49J20 (Optimal control problems with PDE (existence)) 49Q10 (Optimization of the shape other than minimal surfaces) 49M25 (Finite difference methods) }", }