@article{1079.65065, author="Hinterm\"uller, Michael and Ulbrich, Michael", title="{A mesh-independence result for semismooth Newton methods.}", language="English", year="2004", doi={10.1007/s10107-004-0540-9}, abstract="{The problem is to study local properties of Newton type methods applied to discretizations of nonsmooth operator equations $$G(y)=0,\ G: L^2(\Omega)\to L^2(\Omega).\tag 1$$ Here the operator is related to an MCP-function based reformulation of the infinite dimensional box-constrained variational inequality problem. It is well known that if $G:Y\to Z$ $(Y,Z$ Banach spaces) is Fr\'echet differentiable, $G'$ is locally Lipschitz and $G'(y)$ is invertible at a solution $\overline y$ of (1), then the Newton method is locally quadratically convergent to $\overline y$. For approximate discretizations: $G_h(y_h)=0$, with $G_h:Y_h\to Z_h$ and $Y_h,Z_h$ suitable finite dimensional, the discrete Newton process possesses the property of mesh independence, i.e. the continuous and the discrete Newton process converge with the same rate.\par For a class of semismooth operator equations a mesh independent result for generalized Newton methods is established. The main result of this paper states that for given $q$-linear rate of convergence $\theta$ there exists a sufficiently small mesh size $h'>0$ of discretization and radius $\delta>0$ such that, for all $h\le h'$, the continuous and the discrete Newton process converge at least at the $q$-linear rate $\theta$ when initialized by $y^0,y^0_h$ satisfying $\max\{\Vert y^0_h-\overline y_h\Vert_{L^2}$, $\Vert y^0-\overline y \Vert_{L^2}\}\le\delta$.\par The mesh independent result is applied to control a constrained control problem for semilinear elliptic partial differential equations, for which a numerical validation of the theoretical results are given.}", reviewer="{Otu Vaarmann (Tallinn)}", keywords="{Banach spaces; mesh independence; $q$-linear rate of convergence; box-constrained variational inequality problem; control problem; semilinear elliptic partial differential equations; nonsmooth operator equation}", classmath="{*65J15 (Equations with nonlinear operators (numerical methods)) 49J40 (Variational methods including variational inequalities) 49K20 (Optimal control problems with PDE (nec./ suff.)) 49M25 (Finite difference methods) 47J25 (Methods for solving nonlinear operator equations (general)) }", }