@article{1137.49028, author="Hinterm\"uller, Michael and Kunisch, Karl", title="{Path-following methods for a class of constrained minimization problems in function space.}", language="English", journal="SIAM J. Optim. ", volume="17", number="1", pages="159-187", year="2006", doi={10.1137/040611598}, abstract="{Summary: Path-following methods for primal-dual active set strategies requiring a regularization parameter are introduced. Existence of a primal-dual path and its differentiability properties are analyzed. Monotonicity and convexity of the primal-dual path value function are investigated. Both feasible and infeasible approximations are considered. Numerical path-following strategies are developed and their efficiency is demonstrated by means of examples.}", keywords="{semismooth Newton methods; path-following methods; active set strategy; primal-dual methods}", classmath="{*49M15 (Methods of Newton-Raphson, Galerkin and Ritz types) 65K05 (Mathematical programming (numerical methods)) 90C33 (Complementarity problems) 49M37 (Methods of nonlinear programming type) }", }