@article{1015.49025, author="Hinterm\"uller, Michael and Stadler, Georg", title="{A semi-smooth Newton method for constrained linear-quadratic control problems.}", language="English", journal="ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. ", volume="83", number="4", pages="219-237", year="2003", doi={10.1002/zamm.200310030}, abstract="{Summary: A semi-smooth Newton method for the numerical solution of linear-quadratic optimal control problems with bilateral control constraints is introduced and analyzed. Conditional global convergence results are proved. Based on the smoothing property of the control-to-state operator and on generalized derivatives, locally superlinear convergence is established. A report on comprehensive numerical tests supports the theoretical results, proves the efficiency of the new algorithm, and allows to argue mesh-independence.}", keywords="{semi-smooth Newton method; primal-dual algorithm; linear-quadratic optimal control; locally superlinear convergence; mesh-independence}", classmath="{*49M15 (Methods of Newton-Raphson, Galerkin and Ritz types) 49N10 (Linear-quadratic optimal control problems) }", }