Characterizing slopes for Legendrian knots and Stein traces

This page collects additional data accompany the paper Stein traces and characterizing slopes by R. Casals, J. Etnyre, and M. Kegel.

Verification that the infinite family of Legendrian knots from Theorem 1.2.(i) consist of pairwise non-isotopic knots.
Verification that the infinite family of pairs of Legendrian knots constructed via contact (*n) moves from Theorem 1.2.(ii) consist of pairwise non-isotopic knots.
Verification that the infinite family of pairs of Legendrian knots constructed via RGB links from Theorem 1.2.(ii) consist of pairwise non-isotopic knots.
The computations belonging to the proof of Theorem 1.3.

All notebooks together with the various surgery diagrams can be downloaded here.