Dr. Carlos N. Rautenberg

Junior Research Group Leader (ECMath-Nachwuchsgruppenleiter) for

Numerics and Optimization of Robust Equilibria

ECMath Project C-SE19:
Optimal Network Sensor Placement for Energy Efficiency

The optimal sensor placement problem for the estimation of the temperature distribution in buildings is a highly nonlinear and multi-scale problem where stochastic perturbations are usually present. The main goal here is to properly locate sensors in order to reliably estimate the temperature distribution in certain areas. Since feedback controllers are usually in use, a proper estimation of the state is of utmost importance in order to reduce energy consumption of such control systems.

Official webpage here

DFG SPP 1962 - P11:
Optimal Control of Elliptic and Parabolic Quasi-Variational Inequalities

Quasi-variational inequalities (QVls) often arise in applications where non-smooth and nonlinear phenomena lead to complex state-dependent constraints. This project is devoted to analyzing and numerically solving optimal control problems associated with elliptic and parabolic QVIs. In such problems, QVIs constitute non-linear and non-smooth constraints and enhance theoretical and numerical difficulties.

Official webpage here