Symposium on Variational Inequalities and PDE-constrained Optimization

Mathematical Tools for Life Sciences, Physics and Economics

A symposium of the Humboldt-Universitäts-Gesellschaft

February 20 - 21, 2013, Berlin, Germany

General Information Organizational Issues Scientific Program Conference Location Contact, Downloads
General Information
Scientific Progam
Aims and Scope
Confirmed Speakers
The preliminary program is online now. Registration for talks is closed. If you want to participate in the symposium, please register here.
Aims and Scope

The symposium is supported by the HUG Humboldt-Universitäts-Gesellschaft Verein der Freunde, der Ehemaligen und Foerderer e.V.

This symposium is intended to create a basis for the exchange of ideas between the field of mathematical optimization and researchers in its diverse applications. It addresses both scientists and graduate students interested in variational inequalities and/or PDE-constrained optimization as well as their applications in life sciences, physics, and economics. The goal is to open up new perspectives for the future and initiate interdisciplinary collaborations.

We strongly encourage students and young researchers to apply for the opportunity to present their research.

Confirmed Speakers (amongst others)
Andreas Griewank (HU Berlin)
Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin)
Christian Meyer (TU Dortmund)
Andreas Schröder (Universität Salzburg)
Boris Vexler (TU München)
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