by Carstensen, C. and Zarrabi, D.
Carstensen, C. and Zarrabi, D.:An a posteriori error estimate for the unsymmetric coupling of FEM and BEM, In Numerical Treatment of Coupled Systems. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics. (W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum, ed.), Vieweg-Verlag, volume 51, pp. 25–36, 1995. (Proceedings of the 11th GAMM–Seminar Kiel)
Bibtex Entry:
TITLE = {An a posteriori error estimate for the unsymmetric coupling of {FEM} and {BEM}},
AUTHOR = {Carstensen, C. and Zarrabi, D.},
YEAR = {1995},
EDITOR = {W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum},
PUBLISHER = {Vieweg-Verlag},
VOLUME = {51},
PAGES = {25--36},
MONTH = {January 20--22},
NOTE = {Proceedings of the 11th GAMM--Seminar Kiel},
ADDRESS = {Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, Germany},
BOOKTITLE = {Numerical Treatment of Coupled Systems. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics.},