Finiteness results for special subvarieties  
Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, October 16th-22th 2022

Monday 17th   Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st
  9.30am - 10.50am Klingler Apisa Tholozan Lerer Moeller
10.50am - 11.30am Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
  11.30am - 12.50pm Filip Mozes Brunebarbe Einsiedler Baldi
 1pm - 3pm Lunch Lunch
  3pm - 4.20pm Fisher Cantat 3pm-3.45pm Tayou
3.45pm 4.30pm Stover
4.20pm-5pm Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
Coffee break
  5pm - 6.20pm Daw Bader Discussions

On Tuesday 18th at 8pm, we will have dinner at Il Solito Posto