Topology II
Lecturer: Klaus Mohnke
office: Adlershof, Haus 1, room 306
phone: (030) 2093 1814
fax: (030) 2093 2727
email: mohnke at address of institute
Lectures: mondays 1-3 p.m., RUD 25, 1.115, wednesdays 11-1 p.m, RUD 25, 1.013
Tutorial: mondays 3-5 p.m., RUD 25, 2.006
Office hours: wednesdays 2-4 p.m., RUD 25, 1.306 (my office)
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we will largely follow:
(1) Hatcher: Algebraic Topology,
but also make use of :
(2) James W. Vick: Homology Theory, Springer, Graduate Texts in
additionally literature (not a complete list)
(3) Greenberg, Harper: Algebraic Topology: A first course,
(4) Stöcker, Zieschang: Algebraische Topologie, Teubner
(5) Spanier: Algebraic Topology, Springer
(6) Munkres: Elements of Algebraic Topology, Addison-Wesley
(7) Fomenko Homotopic topology, Akad. Kiadó
Subjects covered in class and in the tutorial:
- (singular) chain complex,
- singular homology
- funtoriality
- chain homotopy
- relative singular homology, long exact sequences
- excision and quotients of good pairs
- Mayer-Vietoris-Sequence
- singular homology of spheres, Fixed point theorem of Brouwer
- splitting short exact sequences, retracts and deformation retracts
- CW-complexes und cellular homology (starting November 21)
- singular homology of projektive spaces
- cochains with coefficients
- singular cohomology, interpretation of cocycles and coboundaries
- relative singular cohomology, interpretation of relative cocycles and
- functoriality, cochain homotopy, long exact sequences, excision
(analogies to singular homology)
- cellular cohomology,
- universal coefficient theorem, Ext, Examples
- Products und Ring structures (9.1.-25.1.)
- cup-product, simple examples (spheres
- cup-product on relative cohomologies, functoriality
- cross-product, tori, cubes relative their boundaries
- projective spaces
- graded commutativity of cup-product 16.1. Hatcher pp. 215-217
- Künneth-formulas for cohomology of products 23.1. Hatcher pp.218-223
- orientation of (topological) manifolds, fundamental classes 30.1. Hatcher pp. 233-239
- cap-product, Poincaré-duality 2.2. Hatcher pp. 239-244
- cohomology with compact support, duality for non-compact manifolds 6.2. Hatcher pp. 244-249
- cup and cap, examples 6.2. Hatcher pp. 249-252
- Alexander duality ???
Klaus Mohnke
Fr, February 10, 2017, 15:40