| Student of L. Budach, H. Grell, U. Pirl at Mathematics Department of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
1971 | Dr. rer. nat. with a
thesis on Henselian Schemes (advisor H. Kurke)
Employed at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
1980 |
Dr. sc. nat. (thesis on Deformations of Embeddings with ample Co-Normal Bundle)
1984 |
Facultas docendi
Research in the aerea of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra: articles in
professional journals, co-author of two monographs on questions of algebraic geometry,
talks in international conferences,
lecturing on algebraic geometry and functions of several complex variables, thesis-advisor, working as co-editor
and co-translator
1971-1990 |
Working visits at INCREST (Romanian Academy of Sciences),
University of Bucharest,
Stefan Banach-Center (IM PAN) Warsaw, University of Warsaw
In the period after 1990:
1991 |
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn
1994, 1997, 2002 |
McGill University, Montreal
1996 |
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
2000 |
University of Constanta (DAAD-Lecturer)
Investigation of isolated singularities of varieties over algebraically closed fields in arbitrary characteristics,
deformations and resolutions of certain classes of isolated singularities of hypersurfaces (especially for small modalities); absolutely isolated singularities
Representation theory of isolated singularities (Auslander-Reiten-quiver of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules);
families of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules
Recently working in an online-material for basic education in linear algebra