M. Roczen: Online-Presentation of Linear Algebra (Poster)
International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad 2010
Section 19: Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics
2000 Mathematics Subject Classifcation. 15-01
Understanding mathematics depends to a large extend on the way it is
presented. An attempt to facilitate this for linear algebra has been
undertaken some time ago (cf. [2]) using a combination of media (web
based training software [5], CD-ROM [4], textbook [3]).
The content covers a complete basic course for the first year, including
additional material which can be used for seminars with graduate students
as well.
Technically, the online-script [5] uses the computer-algebra system Singular
[1] to interprete a graph of logical dependence between basic parts, to add
exercises with random initial data and thus to write for each reader individual
textbooks on demand corresponding to his or her recent level of knowledge.
Meanwhile, this has been successfully tested over several years and has led
to a recent, refined version.
[1] Decker, W.; Greuel, G.-M.; Pfister, G.; Schönemann, H.:,
Singular 3-1-1, A computer
algebra system for polynomial computations, http://www.singular.uni-kl.de
[2] Roczen, M. Linear Algebra on Demand (Poster ), International Congress of
Mathematicians, Madrid 2006
[3] Roczen, M., Wolter, H., Lineare Algebra individuell, vol. 1, 2, ISBN
1-4116-2648-6, 1-4116-3558-2, Lulu Morrisville 2005
[4] Roczen, M., Wolter, H., Pohl, W., Popescu, D., Laza, R., Lineare Algebra
individuell Aufgabensammlung, CD-ROM (Ver. 0.62 in preparation)
[5] Roczen, M., Wolter, H., Pohl, W., Popescu, D., Laza, R., Lineare Algebra
http://www.math.hu-berlin.de/~roczen/la.htm, Web Based Training
Software, Ver. 0.62 (2010)
Mailing List:
If you like to obtain informations on any future version, please send an Email
Recently, the Web Based Training Software is written in German. An
English Version is in preparation but far from being finished. If you feel you
could need it or possibly like to contribute to the translation work, please let
me know.