18.01 - Single Variable Calculus
Spring 2005

Course Information

Instructor:Chris Wendl
Office:room 2-172, phone 617-253-4470
E-mail:wendlcREMOVETHIS@math.mit.edu (remove "REMOVETHIS" from the address; antispam precautions)
Office hours: Tuesdays 2-3pm, Wednesdays 1-2pm.
If you can't come during my official office hours but need help, feel free to contact me (the easiest way is by e-mail) and make an appointment. You may also stop by my office anytime, but be aware that I'm often not there; it's best to call ahead.
Lectures:Tuesday / Thursday 1-2pm and Friday 2-3pm in 2-146
Recitations:Monday / Wednesday 2-3pm, same room and instructor
  • Simmons, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, second edition
  • 18.01 Supplementary Notes and Problems, available at CopyTech
Assignments: Weekly problem sets will typically be assigned at least a week in advance and due on Tuesdays; you can hand them in at lecture or fit them through the slot in my office door (if they are stapled!) by 11:59pm the same day. Please note the following:
  • Late homework will not be accepted unless you have exceptional circumstances -- in that case you must talk to me about it at least a day in advance of the due date, if that is humanly possible.
  • Your lowest problem set grade will be dropped in the averaging.
  • Assignments due on Tuesday will usually be reviewed in Wednesday's recitation.
Exams: There will be two midterms (in lecture) and a final. For each midterm, students with failing grades will have a chance to take a make-up exam, worth at most the minimum passing score. There is no make-up for the final exam.
Grading: Problem sets (35%)
Two Midterms (20% each)
Final Exam (25%)
Web page:The class has a web page at www-math.mit.edu/18.01/. There you will find periodically updated announcements, java applets, some things you can download (e.g. the problem sets), and an up-to-date copy of this information.

Tentative Syllabus (revised 5/11/05)

The following is a rough week-by-week guide to what we will be covering and when, including required reading from Simmons and the notes, and exam dates. Some topics may be removed due to time constraints, especially toward the end.