Update: The course will be taught in English.
Ankündigungen / Announcements
- 11.10.2017: Klausureinsicht for last Monday's exam
will be Thursday from 13:00 to 14:00 in my office (1.301 in RUD25).
If you would like to see your graded exam but cannot make it during that time, feel free to
e-mail me for an appointment.
- 26.07.2017: Klausureinsicht for yesterday's exam
will be Thursday from 11:00 to 12:00 in my office (1.301 in RUD25).
If you would like to see your graded exam but cannot make it during that time, feel free to
e-mail me for an appointment.
- 29.06.2017: Two versions of the solution to problem 2(a) on the Take-home midterm are now posted below
- 30.05.2017: The final exam will take place on 25.07.2017
(registration deadline 11.07.2017). The date for the second attempt is
9.10.2017 (registration deadline 25.09.2017). See the math department's
Prüfungsangelegenheiten page for administrative
- 4.05.2017: There are now some lecture notes about nets and convergence posted below. They cover
a subset of the material from the lectures on 27.4, 3.5 and 4.5.
previous announcements (no longer relevant)
topics covered in the lectures (updated regularly)
Lecture notes on nets and convergence --- this is a topic that is not
particularly well covered in most of the standard introductory books on topology, but it
fits in naturally and leads to very elegant proofs of fundamental results such as
the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and Tychonoff's theorem.
Übungsblätter / Problem sets
The grader for this course is Daniel Platt; you can contact him at
plattd at math dot hu dash berlin dot de if you have questions
about your graded homework.
- Problem Set 1 (distributed 19.04.2017, due 26.04.2017)
- Problem Set 2 (distributed 27.04.2017, due 3.05.2017)
- Discussion of #5 on Problem Set 2 (convergence in the box topology)
- Problem Set 3 (distributed 3.05.2017, due 10.05.2017) --- the version
handed out in class had small errors in Problems 2(b) and 3(b), which are corrected in this version
- Problem Set 4 (distributed 10.05.2017, due 17.05.2017)
- Problem Set 5 (distributed 17.05.2017, due 24.05.2017)
- Problem Set 6 (distributed 24.05.2017, due 31.05.2017) --- this is a
revised version with a minor correction to Problem 2(c)
- Problem Set 7 (distributed 31.05.2017, due 7.06.2017)
- Problem Set 8 (distributed 8.06.2017, due 14.06.2017) --- this is a revised version with
a minor correction to Problem 1(h)
- Take-home midterm
- Take-home midterm solutions to problem 2(a) --- this problem turned out to be a bit subtler than we'd
realized ahead of time, so we sat down to write up a solution and ended up with two versions:
Chris's version ; Felix's version
- Problem Set 9 (distributed 28.06.2017, due 5.07.2017)
- Problem Set 10 (distributed 5.07.2017, due 12.07.2017)
- Problem Set 11 (distributed 12.07.2017,
due date extended to 20.07.2017)
- Practice exam / Probeklausur: This is meant to be representative of the format
and type of questions you can expect on the actual exam, though it is somewhat longer
and in some areas perhaps more difficult. You may consider it an upper bound for the
possible difficulty of the actual exam. Problem 5(d) also concerns topics to be
discussed in the final week of lectures (which have therefore not appeared on any
problem sets before).
Other useful links

Somebody miscalculated the fundamental group.
(Hermannplatz, 8.06.2017)