Previous announcements (no longer relevant)
- 20.07.2018: The location for the final exam has been moved to RUD 26, 0'307.
Please be aware that the downloadable Prüfungsplan for HU Mathematics has not been updated
with this information, but there is a note about it under "Prüfungstermine" on the
Prüfungsangelegenheiten page.
- 20.07.2018: Your graded Problem Set 10 will be available as of Wednesday (25.07.2018)
to pick up from Frau Blaudzun in room 1.313 (RUD 25).
- 17.06.2018: The following minor typo in the take-home midterm was noticed:
- On page 2, in the definition of a topological group, there is a "times" symbol that
should be an arrow, indicating the map that takes each element to its inverse.
This has been corrected in the version below.
- 15.06.2018: An important note about problem 1(b) on the take-home midterm.
A few people brought up after today's lecture that there is an "easy" solution I hadn't thought of for this problem.
If you assume the result of Problem Set 4 #7(d) that the evaluation map is continuous
when the domain space is locally compact and Hausdorff, then one can write the
map F in problem 1(b) as a composition of things that involve Phi and
the evaluation map, so it becomes obvious that it is continuous.
I was asked whether this solution would be (a) correct and (b) acceptable.
My answers are: (a) yes, and (b) no. The trouble is that the next problem, #1(c)
asks you to use the result of part (b) to reprove the continuity of the
evaluation map, so if you used the latter in your solution to part (b),
it would be circular reasoning. I am therefore amending the instructions as follows:
In part (b), do not assume that the continuity of the evaluation map has already been proved.
You may therefore choose to reprove the continuity of the evaluation map and
deduce the answer from that, or to write up a more direct solution to #1(b)
without mentioning the evaluation map; I leave this up to you.
- 13.06.2018: The take-home midterm is now available below and will be due on June 26.
- 13.06.2018: Written solutions to problems 3(a)-(d) on Problem Set 7 are now posted below.
- 8.06.2018: There will be no lecture or Übung on Tuesday, June 19.
- 24.05.2018: There will be no lecture on June 1 (Friday of next week).
- 16.04.2018: The Übung will not meet in the first week (17.04.2018).
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