course description and syllabus
(see course info above for the enrolment key)
Lecture notes
These notes contain and expand upon the lecture notes from
last semester's Differentialgeometrie I course.
Ankündigungen / Announcements
- 6.08.2022: The lecture notes posted above are now complete with the exception of
a few extra sections meant to contain details that were not covered in lectures due to
lack of time. The present version certainly contains all examinable material (and also
plenty that is not examinable).
- 21.07.2022: Everyone who handed in the take-home midterm and is taking the exam
in July should have gotten their midterm back in lecture today. Everyone else will get it
within the next two weeks in plenty of time before the second exam period.
- 11.05.2022: Due to technical limitations and Prof. Wendl's recent illness, there
was no Zoom broadcast and thus no videos of Lectures 3 and 4 (May 4 and 5). The Zoom
broadcasts have resumed as of this week, and a link to the videos is available on moodle.
previous announcements (no longer relevant)
Problem sets
Problem sets will normally be posted in this spot every Thursday and
discussed in the problem session (Übung) the following week.
They will not be collected or graded, but it is strongly recommended
that you at least think through every problem before the problem session.
Other useful links

(Some grafitti on the bathroom wall at the Diesel Cafe, Somerville, Massachusetts, seen 13.03.2007.)