Seminar: Das h-Prinzip / The h-principle, Wintersemester 2016-17

Inhaltsbeschreibung / seminar announcement



Schedule of talks

Wednesday October 19, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Chris Wendl
Topic: General introduction
Wednesday October 26, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Chris Wendl
Topic: Higher homotopy groups, weak homotopy equivalences and the long exact sequence for fibrations
Wednesday November 2, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Chris Wendl
Topic: CW complexes and basic examples of obstruction theory
Wednesday November 9, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Agustin Moreno
Topic: Jet bundles and PDRs, general formulations of the h-principle
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, portions of chapters 1, 5, 6
Wednesday November 16, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Felix Noetzel
Topic: Holonomic approximation theorem, part 1
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapter 3
Wednesday November 23, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Deniz Breddermann
Topic: Holonomic approximation theorem, part 2
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapter 3
Wednesday November 30, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Artur Wiebe
Topic: Open Diff-invariant relations and the Smale-Hirsch immersion theorem
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapters 7, 8
Wednesday December 7, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Jaan-Eeric Past
Topic: Basics of symplectic and contact geometry
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapter 9
Wednesday December 14, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Jaan-Eeric Past
Topic: Symplectic and contact geometry (continued from last week)
Wednesday January 4, 2017
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Alex Fauck
Topic: Symplectic and contact structures on open manifolds
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapter 10
Wednesday January 11, 2016
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Chris Wendl
Topic: Microflexibility and isotropic immersions
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapters 13, 14
scanned notes
Wednesday January 18, 2017 no seminar this week
Wednesday January 25, 2017
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Agustin Moreno
Topic: Lagrangian and Legendrian immersions
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapters 15, 16
Wednesday February 1, 2017
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Hannes Driebusch
Topic: One-dimensional convex integration
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapter 17
Wednesday February 8, 2017
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Benjamin Zaslansky
Topic: The Nash-Kuiper theorem on isometric immersions
Reference: Eliashberg-Mishachev, chapter 21
Wednesday February 15, 2017
RUD 25, Room 3.007
Speaker: Benjamin Zaslansky
Topic: The Nash-Kuiper theorem on isometric immersions (continued from last week)

Chris Wendl's homepage