Linear Algebra
Fall 2003

General Information

Instructor:Chris Wendl
Office:603 Warren Weaver Hall (Courant Institute Building)
Office hours:Tuesdays 2-4pm. If you can't come during my official office hours but need help, feel free to contact me (the easiest way is by e-mail) and make an appointment. You may also stop by my office anytime, but be aware that I'm often not there; it's best to call ahead.
Lectures:Monday, Wednesday 6:10-7:50pm in 513 Warren Weaver Hall
Text:Linear Algebra and its applications, third edition, by David C. Lay; available in NYU bookstore. There's also an optional study guide, which you can find out about and buy online at www.laylinalgebra.com
Homework:Homework on the current week's material will be assigned each Wednesday and due at the beginning of lecture the following Wednesday. We'll spend some portion of each Wednesday lecture reviewing the homework that is due. It is extremely important both to your grade and to your understanding of the matieral to keep up with the homework throughout the semester! Late homework will not be accepted, but the lowest homework grade will be dropped.
Grading: Homework (40%)
Two Midterms (15% each)
Final Exam (30%)
Web resources:The official web page for this class is at www.math.nyu.edu/~wendlc/linalg. There you will find periodically updated announcements about homework, exams, some things you can download, and an up-to-date copy of this information. There is also a public web site associated with the textbook at www.laylinalgebra.com: here you can download various resources such as lecture notes and extra exercises. Be aware though that the site is not directly connected with NYU or our course, so not all of the material there will be relevant or appropriate for us. In particular, ignore the practice exams unless I tell you otherwise.

Tentative Syllabus

The following is a very rough guide to what we will be covering and when. It is not set in stone.