Jun.-prof. Maite Wilke Berenguer*

Juniorprofessor for Interdisciplinary Mathematics

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Website

My team is currently comprised of three PhD students.

Nils Hansen started his PhD in 2019 at Ruhr-University Bochum in the RTG2131 „High dimensional phenomena in probability – fluctuations and discontinuity“ on the topic of „Duality and coordination“. He is supervised jointly with Adrián González Casanova from UNAM, Mexico.

Tobias Paul joined the team in 2021 as a PhD student in the project EF 4-7 "The impact of dormancy on the evolutionary, ecological and pathogenic properties of microbial populations" of the MATH+ Research Centre. He is jointly supervised with Jochen Blath from Goethe- University Frankfurt.

Our newest member is Marta dai Pra, who started her PhD with a BMS scholarship in 2022 and is now a member of the IRTG2544 Berlin-Oxford “Stochastic Analysis in Interaction”. As part of the dual supervision programme of the IRTG she is jointly supervised with Alison Etheridge from U Oxford.