Research at HU

Research concern

My research at HU Berlin concerned Riemannian geometry, more precisely G-structures and manifolds with special holonomy, together with the study of connections with torsion, Dirac operators and spinorial field equations; the relations of the aforementioned to theoretical physics (string theory).
Amongst the tools and techniques a prominent role was played by Lie groups, Lie algebras and representation theory (read: differential forms), giving the differential geometric approach an algebraic twist.
MSC2010:  [53-XX]   [58-XX]

Former research group

Differential Geometry and
Global Analysis

Head: Thomas Friedrich


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Department of Mathematics

PD Dr. Christof Puhle

Mail address:

Society for the Advancement
of Applied Computer Science
Volmerstr. 3
12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 30 814 563 548
Fax     +49 30 814 563 466

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