Aktuelles | Kontakt | Forschung | Lehre | Sonstiges
Chris WendlProfessor für Differentialgeometrie und globale Analysis am Institut für Mathematik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Quick links: Short Vita Publications my research blog Berlin-Hamburg Symplectic Seminar Workshop SFT10 Berlin 2023 Aktuelles / News
Kontaktinfos / Contact information
Anschrift / mailing address:
Büro / office:
wendl at math dot hu dash berlin dot de
Sprechstunde / office hours
(Wintersemester 2024/25): Aktuelle Mitarbeiter der Arbeitsgruppe / Current members of my research group:
Ehemalige Mitglieder / Former members:
Abschlussarbeiten / Students (Ph.D., Master, Bachelor) supervised |
![]() This is me, wielding my trusty water bottle to protect Imperial China from Mongol invasion. |
My research is in symplectic and contact topology, particularly the theory of pseudoholomorphic curves, applications to contact manifolds, and symplectic field theory.
Here is my publications page.
I am on the editorial board of Algebraic and Geometric Topology. I am no longer (but was until December 2020) an editorial advisor for the Proceedings / Journal / Bulletin / Transactions of the LMS.
Seminars of interest:
Upcoming conferences / workshops:
And some conferences in the recent past.
Past events that I organized:
Lehre in vergangenen Semestern / teaching in past semesters
The Mathematics Genealogy Project: I'm descended from Gauss. Really.
(Some unusual grafitti I found on a bathroom wall at the Diesel Cafe in Somerville,
Massachusetts. March 13, 2007.)
Question: Aren't you German?
Answer: No. Don't let my name, or my appearance, or the fact that I teach at a German university or that you've overheard me speaking German with colleagues fool you. I am, in fact, not German.
Question: Where did you learn to speak English so well?
Answer: It is my native language.
Question: Where did you learn to speak German so well?
Answer: I don't speak German that well, it only sounds like it if you don't listen carefully.
top | news | contact info | research | teaching | other stuff
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