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Chris Wendl

Professor für Differentialgeometrie und globale Analysis am Institut für Mathematik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Quick links:   Short Vita     Publications     my research blog     Berlin-Hamburg Symplectic Seminar     Workshop SFT10 Berlin 2023

Aktuelles / News

Kontaktinfos / Contact information

Anschrift / mailing address:
Chris Wendl
Institut für Mathematik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Büro / office:
Rudower Chaussee 25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), 12489 Berlin
Haus 1, Raum 301
phone: +49 (0)30 2093 45422
fax: +49 (0)30 2093 2727
Sekretariat: Kati Blaudzun

How to get to my office

e-mail:  wendl at math dot hu dash berlin dot de

Sprechstunde / office hours (Wintersemester 2024/25):
Montags 14:00-15:00, und sonst nach Vereinbarung (einfach eine E-Mail schreiben) / Mondays 14:00-15:00, and otherwise by appointment (just write me an e-mail)
ACHTUNG: Die Sprechstunde am 10.02.2025 fällt aus. / ATTENTION: My office hour on February 10, 2025 is cancelled.

Aktuelle Mitarbeiter der Arbeitsgruppe / Current members of my research group:

Ehemalige Mitglieder / Former members:

Abschlussarbeiten / Students (Ph.D., Master, Bachelor) supervised

This is me, wielding my trusty water bottle to protect Imperial China from Mongol invasion.

Forschung / Research

My research is in symplectic and contact topology, particularly the theory of pseudoholomorphic curves, applications to contact manifolds, and symplectic field theory.

Here is my publications page.

I am on the editorial board of Algebraic and Geometric Topology. I am no longer (but was until December 2020) an editorial advisor for the Proceedings / Journal / Bulletin / Transactions of the LMS.

Seminars of interest:

Upcoming conferences / workshops:

(Note: the above used to be a list of events that I was personally planning to attend, but then I learned that some people were actually using it to find out what's going on, so I started adding more events that I won't necessarily be attending. Thus if your main goal is to stalk me, this list will be only partially helpful. On the other hand, I've recently become somewhat lazy about keeping it up to date -- the Covid pandemic is partly to blame -- so in the mean time there are other people out there with much better lists on their homepages.)

And some conferences in the recent past.

Past events that I organized:

Lehre / Teaching

Wintersemester 2024-25

Sommersemester 2024

Wintersemester 2023-24

Sommersemester 2023

Wintersemester 2022-23

Geplant für künftige Semester / planned for future semesters:

Lehre in vergangenen Semestern / teaching in past semesters

Past minicourses and such

Sonstiges / Other stuff

The Mathematics Genealogy Project: I'm descended from Gauss. Really.

(Some unusual grafitti I found on a bathroom wall at the Diesel Cafe in Somerville, Massachusetts. March 13, 2007.)

A Frequently Asked Question

Question: Aren't you German?

Answer: No. Don't let my name, or my appearance, or the fact that I teach at a German university or that you've overheard me speaking German with colleagues fool you. I am, in fact, not German.

An Occasionally Asked Question

Question: Where did you learn to speak English so well?

Answer: It is my native language.

A Question That Is Asked Far More Often Than It Should Be

Question: Where did you learn to speak German so well?

Answer: I don't speak German that well, it only sounds like it if you don't listen carefully.

Some nonmathematical things

Trockne Blumen (the reason why I once spent a whole week learning musixtex, and then promptly forgot it)

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This page was created by editing HTML code in a text editor, because that's how we used to do things in the twentieth century.