Hodge loci and atypical intersections: conjectures, to appear in the book
"Motives and complex multiplication" (Birkhauser)
Character varieties over prime fields and representation rigidity
Non-density of the exceptional components of the Noether-Lefschetz
, (with G. Baldi and E. Ullmo), IMRN, Volume 2024, Issue 21, November 2024, Pages 13642–13650
Abelian differentials and their periods: the bi-algebraic point of view
(with L. Lerer), to appear in J. Eur. Math. Soc.
On the distribution of the Hodge locus (with G.Baldi and
Invent. Math., Volume 235, pages 441-487, (2024)
Definability of mixed period maps (with B. Bakker,
Y. Brunebarbe and J. Tsimerman)
J. Eur. Math. Soc. 26 (2024), no.6, 2191--2209
The Ax-Schanuel conjecture for
variations of mixed Hodge structures (with Z. Gao),
Math. Ann. 388 (2024), no. 4, 3847--3895
Hodge theory, between algebraicity and transcendence
, Proc. Int. Cong. Math. 2022, Vol. 3, pp. 2250-2284. EMS Press, Berlin,
On the geometric Zilber-Pink theorem and the Lawrence-Venkatesh method
(with G.Baldi, E.Ullmo), Expositiones Math., Volume 41, Issue 3,
September 2023, pages 718-722 (volume in
honor of Bas Edixhoven)
On the fields of definition of Hodge loci
(with A.Otwinowska and D.Urbanik),
Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér., 4e
sÉrie, t. 56, 2023, p. 1299-1312
On the closure of the Hodge locus of positive period dimension
(with A.Otwinowska), Inventiones Math.225 (2021), no. 3, 857-883
Tame topology of arithmetic quotients and algebraicity of Hodge loci
(with B.Bakker and J.Tsimerman), J. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (2020), 917-939
p-adic lattices are not Kähler groups,
EPIGA, vol.3, 2019
Bi-algebraic geometry and the André-Oort conjecture
(with E.Ullmo and A.Yafaev), Proceedings of 2015 AMS Summer
Institute in Algebraic Geometry, PSPMS 97-2, AMS, 2018, 319-360
Chern's conjecture for special affine manifolds,
Annals of Math. 186 (2017), 69-95
hyperbolic Ax-Lindemann-Weierstrass conjecture
(with E. Ullmo and A. Yafaev), Publ. Math. IHES 123 (2016), 333-360
The André-Oort conjecture
(with A. Yafaev), Annals of Math. 180 (2014), 1-59
Symmetric differentials and the
fundamental group
(with Y. Brunebarbe and B.Totaro), Duke Math.J. 162 (2013), 1-17
Symmetric differentials, Kaehler groups and ball
quotients, Inventiones Math. 192 (2013), 257-286
rigidity for complex hyperbolic lattices and Hodge theory,
Inventiones Math. 184 (2011), 455-498
Local quaternionic rigidity for complex hyperbolic lattices,
(with I. Kim and O. Pansu), Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques
de Jussieu 11 (2012), 133-159
On the second cohomology of Kähler groups
(with V. Koziarz and J. Maubon), GAFA 21 (2011) 419-442
Transformation de type Poisson relative aux groupes d'Iwahori
, Algebraic groups and arithmetic, 321--337, Tata Inst. Fund. Res., Mumbai, 2004
Sur la rigidité de certains groupes fondamentaux,
l'arithméticité des réseaux hyperboliques complexes et les faux
plans projectifs
, Inventiones Math. 153 (2003), no. 1, 105--143
Volumes des représentations sur un corps local
, GAFA 13 (2003), no. 5, 1120--1160
théorème de rigidité non métrique pour
les variétés localement symétriques hermitiennes
, Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), no. 2, 200--217
affines et projectives sur les surfaces complexes ,
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 48 (1998), no. 2, 441--477
des variétés lorentziennes à courbure constante
, Math. Ann. 306 (1996), no. 2, 353--370