Matheon-Siegel AFEM HU-Siegel
Numerische Analysis
Prof. C. Carstensen
Carstensen, C.:
A Note on the quasi-best approximation constant, 2025. (submitted) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Gräßle, B. and Pirch, E.:
Comparison of guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds with three skeletal schemes
Comput. Methods in Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 433, pp. 117477, 2025. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Gräßle, B.:
Optimal convergence rates of adaptive WOPSIP from superclose nonconforming FEM, 2025. (in press (Mathematics of Computation)) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Gräßle, B.:
Adaptive Morley FEM for 2D stationary Navier-Stokes, 2025. (in press (Mathematics of Computation)) [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Heuer, N.:
Normal-normal continuous symmetric stress approximation in three-dimensional linear elasticity
, 2025. (arXiv:2502.00609 (submitted)) [bibtex] [url]
Bouchut, F., Carstensen, C. and Ern, A.:
H^1 regularity of the minimisers for the inviscid total variation and Bingham fluid problems for H^1 data
, 2025. (re-submitted (Nonlinear Analysis)) [bibtex] [pdf]
Carstensen, C. and Heuer, N.:
A fractional-order trace-dev-div inequality
, 2025. (arXiv:2403.01291) [bibtex] [url]
Carstensen, C. and Heuer, N.:
Normal-normal continuous symmetric stresses in mixed finite element elasticity
Math. Comp., 2024. (published electronically) [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Gräßle, B., Bohne, N.-E. and Sauter, S.A.:
The pressure-wired Stokes element: A mesh-robust Version of the Scott–Vogelius element
Numer. Math., volume 156, pp. 1781–1807, 2024. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gräßle, B. and Nataraj, N.:
Unifying a posteriori error analysis of five piecewise quadratic discretisations for the biharmonic equation
J. Numer. Math., volume 32, pp. 77–109, 2024. (arxiv:2310.05648 ( [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Puttkammer, S.:
Adaptive guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds with optimal convergence rates
Numer. Math., volume 156, pp. 1–38, 2024. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Tran, N. T.:
Locking-free hybrid high-order method for linear elasticity
, 2024. (arXiv:2404.02768 (SIAM J. Numer. Anal. in print)) [bibtex] [url]
Carstensen, C., Gräßle, B. and Nataraj, N.:
A posteriori error control for fourth-order semilinear problems with quadratic nonlinearity
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 62, pp. 919–945, 2024. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Gräßle, B.:
Rate-optimal higher-order adaptive conforming FEM for biharmonic eigenvalue problems on polygonal domains
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 425, pp. 116931, 2024. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gräßle, B. and Tran, N. T.:
Adaptive hybrid high-order method for guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds
Numer. Math., volume 156, pp. 813–851, 2024. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Bringmann, Philipp, Carstensen, Carsten and Streitberger, Julian:
Local Parameter Selection in the C 0 Interior Penalty Method for the Biharmonic Equation,
J. Numer. Math., volume 32, pp. 257–273, 2024. [bibtex] [doi]
Bertrand, F., Carstensen, C., Gräßle, B. and Tran, N. T.:
Stabilization-free HHO a posteriori error control
Numer. Math., volume 154, pp. 369–408, 2023. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Puttkammer, S.:
Direct guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds with optimal a priori convergence rates for the bi-Laplacian
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 61, pp. 812–836, 2023. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Schedensack, M.:
Two discretisations of the time-dependent Bingham problem
Numer. Math., volume 153, pp. 411–450, 2023. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Nataraj, N., Remesan, G. C. and Shylaja, D.:
Unified a priori analysis of four second-order FEM for fourth-order quadratic semilinear problems
Numer. Math., volume 154, pp. 323–368, 2023. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Khot, R. and Pani, A. K.:
Nonconforming Virtual Elements for the Biharmonic Equation with Morley Degrees of Freedom on Polygonal Meshes
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 61, pp. 2460–2484, 2023. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Khot, R. and Pani, A. K.:
A priori and a posteriori error analysis of the lowest-order NCVEM for second-order linear indefinite elliptic problems
Numer. Math., volume 151, pp. 551–600, 2022. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Tran, N. T.:
Convergent adaptive hybrid higher-order schemes for convex minimization
Numer. Math., volume 151, pp. 329–367, 2022. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Gräßle, B.:
Optimal multilevel adaptive FEM for the Argyris element
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 399, pp. 115352, 2022. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Sauter, S.:
Critical functions and inf-sup stability of Crouzeix-Raviart elements
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 108, pp. 12–23, 2022. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Nataraj, N.:
Lowest-order equivalent nonstandard finite element methods for biharmonic plates
ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., volume 56, pp. 41–78, 2022. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Nataraj, N. and Pani, A. K.:
Stability of mixed FEMs for non-selfadjoint indefinite second-order linear elliptic PDEs
Numer. Math., volume 150, pp. 975–992, 2022. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Bringmann, P., Carstensen, C. and Tran, N. T.:
Adaptive least-squares, discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin, and hybrid high-order methods
Chapter in Non-standard discretisation methods in solid mechanics, Springer, Cham, volume 98, pp. 107–147, 2022. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Sauter, S.:
Crouzeix-Raviart triangular elements are inf-sup stable
Math. Comp., volume 91, pp. 2041–2057, 2022. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Ern, A. and Puttkammer, S.:
Guaranteed lower bounds on eigenvalues of elliptic operators with a hybrid high-order method
Numer. Math., volume 149, pp. 273–304, 2021. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Hu, J.:
Hierarchical Argyris finite element method for adaptive and multigrid algorithms
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 21, pp. 529–556, 2021. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Ma, R.:
Collective marking for arbitrary order adaptive least-squares finite element methods with optimal rates
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 95, pp. 271–281, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Ma, R.:
Adaptive mixed finite element methods for non-self-adjoint indefinite second-order elliptic PDEs with optimal rates
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 59, pp. 955–982, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Mallik, G. and Nataraj, N.:
Nonconforming finite element discretization for semilinear problems with trilinear nonlinearity
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 41, pp. 164–205, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Nataraj, N.:
A Priori and a Posteriori Error Analysis of the Crouzeix–Raviart and Morley FEM with Original and Modified Right-Hand Sides
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 21, pp. 289–315, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Nataraj, N.:
Adaptive Morley FEM for the von Kármán equations with optimal convergence rates
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 59, pp. 696–719, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Tran, T.:
Unstabilized Hybrid High-order Method for a Class of Degenerate Convex Minimization Problems
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 59, pp. 1348–1373, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gaddam, S., Nataraj, N., Pani, A. K. and Shylaja, D.:
Morley finite element method for the von Kármán obstacle problem
ESAIM: M2AN, volume 55, pp. 1873–1894, 2021. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C.:
Collective marking for adaptive least-squares finite element methods with optimal rates
Math. Comp., volume 89, pp. 89–103, 2020. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Puttkammer, S.:
How to prove the discrete reliability for nonconforming finite element methods
J. Comput. Math, volume 38, pp. 142–175, 2020. [full text] [bibtex] [html] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Zhai, Q. and Zhang, R.:
A skeletal finite element method can compute lower eigenvalue bounds
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 58, pp. 109–124, 2020. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Dond, A. K. and Rabus, H.:
Quasi-optimality of adaptive mixed FEMs for non-selfadjoint indefinite second-order linear elliptic problems
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 19, pp. 233–250, 2019. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Gedicke, J.:
Residual-based a posteriori error analysis for symmetric mixed Arnold-Winther FEM
Numer. Math., volume 142, pp. 205–234, 2019. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Mallik, G. and Nataraj, N.:
A priori and a posteriori error control of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the von Kármán equations
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 39, pp. 167–200, 2019. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Liu, D. and Alberty, J.:
Convergence of dG(1) in elastoplastic evolution
Numer. Math., volume 141, pp. 715–742, 2019. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Bringmann, P., Hellwig, F. and Wriggers, P.:
Nonlinear discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods
Numer. Math., volume 139, pp. 529–561, 2018. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Bringmann, P., Carstensen, C. and Starke, G.:
An adaptive least-squares FEM for linear elasticity with optimal convergence rates
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 56, pp. 428–447, 2018. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Dond, A. K., Nataraj, N. and Pani, A. K.:
Three First-Order Finite Volume Element Methods for Stokes Equations under Minimal Regularity Assumptions
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 56, pp. 2648–2671, 2018. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Huang, Y.:
Saturation and reliable hierarchical a posteriori Morley finite element error control
J. Comput. Math., volume 36, pp. 833–844, 2018. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Hellwig, F.:
Constants in discrete Poincaré and Friedrichs inequalities and discrete quasi-interpolation
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 18, pp. 433–450, 2018. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Puttkammer, S.:
A low-order discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin method for the Stokes equations
Numer. Math., volume 140, pp. 1–34, 2018. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Storn, J.:
Asymptotic Exactness of the Least-Squares Finite Element Residual
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 56, pp. 2008–2028, 2018. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Hellwig, F.:
Optimal Convergence Rates for Adaptive Lowest-Order Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Schemes
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 56, pp. 1091–1111, 2018. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Brenner, S. C.:
Finite Element Methods,
In Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics Second Edition (E. Stein, R. d. Borst, T. J. R. Hughes, eds.), John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1–47, 2017. [full text] [bibtex]
Bringmann, P. and Carstensen, C.:
h-adaptive least-squares finite element methods for the 2D Stokes equations of any order with optimal convergence rates
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 74, pp. 1923–1939, 2017. [full text] [bibtex] [url]
Carstensen, C., Ebobisse, F., McBride, A. T., Reddy, B. D. and Steinmann, P.:
Some properties of the dissipative model of strain-gradient plasticity
Philosophical Magazine, volume 97, pp. 693–717, 2017. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Köhler, K.:
Nonconforming FEM for the obstacle problem,
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 37, pp. 64–93, 2017. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Köhler, K.:
Efficient discrete Lagrange multipliers in three first-order finite element discretizations for the a posteriori error control in an obstacle problem
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 55, pp. 349–375, 2017. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Park, E.-J. and Bringmann, P.:
Convergence of natural adaptive least squares FEMs
Numer. Math., volume 136, pp. 1097–1115, 2017. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Rabus, H.:
Axioms of adaptivity with separate marking for data resolution
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 55, pp. 2644–2665, 2017. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Bringmann, P. and Carstensen, C.:
An adaptive least-squares FEM for the Stokes equations with optimal convergence rates
Numer. Math., volume 135, pp. 459–492, 2017. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Bringmann, P., Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D., Hellwig, F., Peterseim, D., Puttkammer, S., Rabus, H. and Storn, J.:
Towards adaptive discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods,
Proc. in Appl. Math. and Mech., 2016. [bibtex] [doi]
Bringmann, P., Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
Guaranteed velocity error control for the pseudostress approximation of the Stokes equations
Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, volume 32, pp. 1411–1432, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Dond, A. K., Nataraj, N. and Pani, A. K.:
Error analysis of nonconforming and mixed FEMs for second-order linear non-selfadjoint and indefinite elliptic problems.,
Numer. Math., Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, volume 133, pp. 557–597, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Hellwig, F.:
Low-Order Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Linear Elasticity,
SIAM J. Numer. Math., volume 54, pp. 3388–3410, 2016. [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Nataraj, N. and Pani, A. K.:
Comparison results and unified analysis for first-order finite volume element methods for a Poisson model problem,
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 36, pp. 1120–1142, 2016. [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Demkowicz, L. and Gopalakrishnan, J.:
Breaking spaces and forms for the DPG method and applications including Maxwell equations
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 72, pp. 494–522, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Gedicke, J.:
Justification of the saturation assumption,
Numer. Math., volume 134, pp. 1–25, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Schedensack, M.:
L^2 best approximation of the elastic stress in the Arnold-Winther FEM,
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 36, pp. 1096–1119, 2016. [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Reddy, B. D. and Schedensack, M.:
A natural nonconforming FEM for the Bingham flow problem is quasi-optimal,
Numer. Math., volume 133, pp. 37–66, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Peterseim, D. and Schröder, A.:
The norm of a discretized gradient in H(\mathrm{div})^* for a posteriori finite element error analysis,
Numer. Math., volume 132, pp. 519–539, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Schröder, A. and Wiedemann, S.:
An optimal adaptive finite element method for elastoplasticity,
Numer. Math., volume 132, pp. 131–154, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Gedicke, J.:
Robust residual-based a posteriori Arnold–Winther mixed finite element analysis in elasticity,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 300, pp. 245–264, 2016. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
2015 (published online)
Ball, J. M. and Carstensen, C.:
Geometry of polycrystals and microstructure,
MATEC Web of Conferences, volume 33, pp. 6, 2015 (published online). [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Park, E.-J.:
Convergence and optimality of adaptive Least Squares Finite Element Methods,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 53, pp. 43–62, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Dolzmann, G.:
Convergence of adaptive finite element methods for a nonconvex double-well minimisation problem,
Math. Comp., volume 84, pp. 2111–2135, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Nataraj, N.:
Comparison results of nonstandard P_2 finite element methods for the biharmonic problem,
ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., pp. 977–990, 2015. [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Kraemer, B.:
Numerical Algorithms for the Simulation of Finite Plasticity with Microstructures,
Chapter in Analysis and Computation of Microstructure in Finite Plasticity, Springer, pp. 1–30, 2015. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Hu, J.:
An optimal adaptive finite element method for an obstacle problem,
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 15, pp. 259–277, 2015. [bibtex]
Rabus, H.:
Quasi-optimal convergence of AFEM based on separate marking, Part I
J. Numer. Math., volume 23, pp. 137–156, 2015. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Rabus, H.:
Quasi-optimal convergence of AFEM based on separate marking, Part II
J. Numer. Math., volume 23, pp. 157–174, 2015. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Liu, D. J.:
Nonconforming FEMs for an optimal design problem,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 53, pp. 874–894, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Köhler, K., Peterseim, D. and Schedensack, M.:
Comparison results for the Stokes equations,
Appl. Numer. Math., volume 95, pp. 118–129, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Bösing, P. R. and Carstensen, C.:
Discontinuous Galerkin with weakly over-penalized techniques for Reissner-Mindlin plates,
Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 64, pp. 401–424, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Bösing, P. R. and Carstensen, C.:
Weakly over-penalized discontinuous Galerkin schemes for Reissner-Mindlin plates without the shear variable,
Numer. Math., volume 130, pp. 395–423, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Schedensack, M.:
Medius analysis and comparison results for first-order finite element methods in linear elasticity,
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 35, pp. 1591–1621, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Schedensack, M.:
Adaptive nonconforming Crouzeix-Raviart FEM for eigenvalue problems,
Math. Comp., volume 84, pp. 1061–1087, 2015. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Gallistl, D.:
Guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds for the biharmonic equation,
Numer. Math., volume 126, pp. 33–51, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Feischl, M., Page, M. and Praetorius, D.:
Axioms of adaptivity
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 67, pp. 1195–1253, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gedicke, J., Mehrmann, V. and Miedlar, A.:
An Adaptive Finite Element Method with Asymptotic Saturation for Eigenvalue Problems
Numer. Math., 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Gedicke, J. and Carstensen, C.:
A posteriori error estimators for convection–diffusion eigenvalue problems
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 268, pp. 160–177, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
Computational survey on a posteriori error estimators for the Crouzeix-Raviart nonconforming finite element method for the Stokes problem
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 14, pp. 35–54, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Boiger, W. and Carstensen, C.:
A posteriori error analysis of stabilised FEM for degenerate convex minimisation problems under weak regularity assumptions
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, volume 1, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Hu, J.:
A discrete Helmholtz decomposition with Morley finite element functions and the optimality of adaptive finite element schemes,
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 68, pp. 2167–2181, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D., Hellwig, F. and Weggler, L.:
Low-order dPG-FEM for an elliptic PDE,
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 68, pp. 1503–1512, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Feischl, M. and Praetorius, D.:
Rate Optimality of Adaptive Algorithms,
ECCOMAS, pp. 20–24, 2014. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Demkowicz, L. and Gopalakrishnan, J.:
A posteriori error control for DPG methods,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 52, pp. 1335–1353, 2014. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Gedicke, J.:
Guaranteed lower bounds for eigenvalues,
Math. Comp., volume 83, pp. 2605–2629, 2014. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
Refined fully explicit a posteriori residual-based error control,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 52, pp. 1709–1728, 2014. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Schedensack, M.:
Discrete Reliability for Crouzeix-Raviart FEMs
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 51, pp. 2935–2955, 2013. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Schedensack, M.:
Quasi-optimal adaptive pseudostress approximation of the Stokes Equations
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 51, pp. 1715–1734, 2013. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
Computational survey on a posteriori error estimators for nonconforming finite element methods for the Poisson problem,
J. Comput. Appl. Math., volume 249, pp. 74–94, 2013. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
Effective postprocessing for equilibration a posteriori error estimators
Numer. Math., volume 123, pp. 425–459, 2013. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Peterseim, D. and Carstensen, C.:
Finite element network approximation of conductivity in particle composites
Numer. Math., volume 124, pp. 73–97, 2013. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gallistl, D. and Hu, J.:
A posteriori error estimates for nonconforming finite element methods for fourth-order problems on rectangles
Numer. Math., volume 124, pp. 309–335, 2013. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Peterseim, D. and Rabus, H.:
Optimal Adaptive Nonconforming FEM for the Stokes Problem,
Numer. Math., volume 123, pp. 291–308, 2013. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
A note on matrix methods for location of the zeros of polynomials,
Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform., volume 28, pp. 373–378, 2013. [full text] [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
A posteriori error estimator competition for conforming obstacle problems
Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, volume 29, pp. 667–692, 2013. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Merdon, C. and Neumann, J.:
Aspects of Guaranteed Error Control in CPDEs,
In Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Algorithms, and Their Applications, Springer New York, volume 45, pp. 103–119, 2013. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Günther, D. and Rabus, H.:
Mixed finite element method for a degenerate convex variational problem from topology optimization,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 50, pp. 522–543, 2012. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Eigel, M., Hoppe, R. H. W. and Löbhard, C.:
A review of unified a posteriori finite element error control,
Numer. Math. Theory Methods Appl., volume 5, pp. 509–558, 2012. [bibtex] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Rabus, H.:
The adaptive nonconforming FEM for the pure displacement Problem in linear Elasticity is optimal and robust,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 50, pp. 1264–1283, 2012. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
Convergence of adaptive boundary element methods
J. Integral Equations Appl., volume 24, pp. 1–23, 2012. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Gedicke, J.:
An adaptive finite element eigenvalue solver of asymptotic quasi-optimal computational complexity
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 50, pp. 1029–1057, 2012. (SIAM Student Paper Price 2013) [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gedicke, J. and Park, E.-J.:
Numerical experiments for the Arnold-Winther mixed finite elements for the Stokes problem
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., volume 34, pp. A2267–A2287, 2012. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gedicke, J. and Rim, D.:
Explicit error estimates for Courant, Crouzeix-Raviart and Raviart-Thomas finite element methods
J. Comput. Math., volume 30, pp. 337–353, 2012. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Peterseim, D. and Schedensack, M.:
Comparison Results of Finite Element Methods for the Poisson Model Problem
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 50, pp. 2803–2823, 2012. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Altmann, R. and Carstensen, C.:
P_1-nonconforming finite elements on triangulations into triangles and quadrilaterals
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 50, pp. 418–438, 2012. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
Stabilisation yields strong convergence of macroscopic magnetisation vectors for micromagnetics without exchange energy
J. Numer. Math., volume 20, pp. 81–109, 2012. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Gedicke, J., Mehrmann, V. and Miedlar, A.:
An adaptive homotopy approach for non-selfadjoint eigenvalue problems
Numer. Math., volume 119, pp. 557–583, 2011. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Xie, X., Yu, G. and Zhou, T.:
A priori and a posteriori analysis for a locking-free low order quadrilateral hybrid finite element for Reissner Mindlin plates,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 200, pp. 1161–1175, 2011. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Hoppe, R. H. W., Sharma, N. and Warburton, T.:
Adaptive hybridized interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods for H(curl)-elliptic problems
Numer. Math. Theory Methods Appl., volume 4, pp. 13–37, 2011. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Yu, G., Xie, X. and Carstensen, C.:
Uniform convergence and a posteriori error estimation for assumed stress hybrid finite element methods
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 200, pp. 2421–2433, 2011. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
Remarks on the state of the art of a posteriori error control of elliptic PDEs in energy norms in practise,
Stud. Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Math., volume 56, pp. 273–293, 2011. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Gedicke, J.:
An oscillation-free adaptive FEM for symmetric eigenvalue problems
Numer. Math., volume 118, pp. 401–427, 2011. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Eigel, M. and Gedicke, J.:
Computational competition of symmetric mixed FEM in linear elasticity
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 200, pp. 2903–2915, 2011. [full text] [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Park, E.-J. and Kim, D.:
A priori and a posteriori pseudostress-velocity mixed finite element error analysis for the Stokes problem,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 49, pp. 2501–2523, 2011. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Rabus, H.:
An optimal adaptive mixed finite element method,
Math. Comp., volume 80, pp. 649–667, 2011. [bibtex]
Rabus, H.:
A natural adaptive nonconforming FEM of quasi-optimal complexity
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 10, pp. 315–325, 2010. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Ortner, C.:
Analysis of a class of penalty methods for computing singular minimizers,
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 10, pp. 137–163, 2010. [full text] [bibtex]
Boiger, W. and Carstensen, C.:
On the strong convergence of gradients in stabilised degenerate convex minimisation problems,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 47, pp. 4569–4580, 2010. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Merdon, C.:
Estimator competition for Poisson problems,
J. Comput. Math., volume 28, pp. 309–330, 2010. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Sensitivity analysis of statistical measure for the reconstruction of microstructures based on the minimization of generalized least-square functionals,
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Aurich, J. C., Biermann, D., Blum, H., Brecher, C., Carstensen, C., Denkena, B., Klocke, F., Kröger, M., Steinmann, P. and Weinert, K.:
Modelling and simulation of process - Machine interaction in grinding,
Production Engineering, volume 3, pp. 111–120, 2009. [full text] [bibtex]
Braess, D., Carstensen, C. and Hoppe, R. H. W.:
Error reduction in adaptive finite element approximations of elliptic obstacle problems,
J. Comput. Math., volume 27, pp. 148–169, 2009. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Convergence of adaptive finite element methods in computational mechanics,
Appl. Numer. Math., volume 59, pp. 2119–2130, 2009. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Rannacher, R., Shi, Z. and Tang, T.:
Preface: Special Issue for "the 2nd Sino-German workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics",
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Carstensen, C., Gudi, T. and Jensen, M.:
A unifying theory of a posteriori error control for discontinuous Galerkin FEM,
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Carstensen, C. and Engquist, B.:
Computational multiscale methods, Abstract from Workshop held June 14-20,
MFO reports, volume 6, 2009. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Hoppe, R. H. W.:
Unified framework for an a posteriori error analysis of non-standard finite element approximations of H(curl)-elliptic problems
J. Numer. Math., volume 17, pp. 27–44, 2009. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C. and Hu, J.:
Hanging nodes in the unifying theory of a posteriori finite element error control,
J. Comput. Math., volume 27, pp. 215–236, 2009. [full text] [bibtex]
Gedicke, J. and Carstensen, C.:
Quasi-Optimal Convergence and Computational Complexity of the Adaptive Finite Element Method for Symmetric Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems,
In Linear and Nonlinear Eigenproblems for PDEs, volume 37, pp. 263–265, 2009. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Lectures on adaptive mixed finite element methods
Chapter in Mixed finite element technologies, Springer Wien New York, Vienna, volume 509, pp. 1–56, 2009. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C., Heuer, N. and Maischak, M.:
Preface: Special issue: Boundary elements—theory and applications. Dedicated to Professor Ernst P. Stephan on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Appl. Numer. Math., volume 59, pp. 2695–2697, 2009. [bibtex] [url] [doi]
Carstensen, C.:
Some remarks on the convergence of adaptive FEMs,
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, volume 4, pp. 11–16, 2009. [bibtex]
Boiger, W. and Carstensen, C.:
Strong convergence in stabilised degenerate convex problems,
In 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Bremen 2008, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, volume 8, pp. 10839–10840, 2008. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Huth, R.:
Computational challenges in finite plasticity from a mathematical view point,
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Carstensen, C., Conti, S. and Orlando, A.:
Mixed analytical-numerical relaxation in finite single-slip crystal plasticity,
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Carstensen, C.:
Convergence of adaptive FEM for a class of degenerate convex minimization problems,
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Carstensen, C., Brenner, S. C. and Monk, P.:
Nonstandard finite element methods. Abstracts from the workshop held 2008, August 10-16,
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Carstensen, C. and Thiele, J.:
Partition of unity for localization in implicit a posteriori finite element error control for linear elasticity,
Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg., Wiley Interscience, volume 73, pp. 71–95, 2008. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Rabus, H.:
New adaptive mixed finite element method (AMFEM),
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Carstensen, C., Günther, D., Reininghaus, J. and Thiele, J.:
The Arnold-Winther mixed FEM in linear elasticity. Part I: Implementation and numerical verification,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 197, pp. 3014–3023, 2008. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Hu, J.:
A posteriori error analysis for conforming MITC elements for Reissner-Mindlin Plate,
Math. Comp., volume 77, pp. 611–632, 2008. [bibtex]
Li, Z.-P. and Carstensen, C.:
An averaging scheme for macroscopic numerical simulation of nonconvex minimization problems,
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Carstensen, C. and Bolte, J.:
Adaptive Finite Element Mesh-Refining Algorithm for L^2-error control,
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Braess, D., Carstensen, C. and Hoppe, R. H. W.:
Convergence analysis of a conforming adaptive finite element method for an obstacle problem,
J. Numer. Math., volume 107, pp. 455–471, 2007. [full text] [bibtex]
Bartels, S. and Carstensen, C.:
A convergent adaptive finite element method for an optimal design problem,
Numer. Math., volume 108, pp. 359–385, 2007. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Praetorius, D. and Boiger, W.:
Strong convergence for large bodies in micromagnetics,
In Special Issue: Sixth International Congress on Industrial Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07) and GAMM Annual Meeting, Zürich 2007, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, volume 7, pp. 1151203–1151204, 2007. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
On stabilized models in micromagnetics,
Comput. Mech., volume 39, pp. 663–672, 2007. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Gedicke, J. and Livshits, I.:
A posteriori error analysis for eigenvalue problems,
PAMM, volume 7, pp. 1026203–1026204, 2007. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Hu, J. and Orlando, A.:
Framework For The A Posteriori Error Analysis Of Nonconforming Finite Element,
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Carstensen, C. and Hu, J.:
A unifying theory of a posteriori error control for nonconforming finite element methods,
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Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
Averaging techniques for a posteriori error control in finite element and boundary element analysis,
In Boundary Element Analysis (M. Schanz, O. Steinbach, ed.), Springer, volume 29, pp. 29–59, 2007. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Jensen, M.:
Averaging Techniques for Reliable and Efficient A Posteriori Finite Element Error Control: Analysis and Applications,
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Carstensen, C., Bartels, S., Hackl, K., Orlando, A., Hoppe, R. H. W. and Conti, S.:
Relaxation and the Computation of Effective Energies and Microstructures in Solid Mechanics,
In Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems (A. Mielke, ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 197–224, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Schöberl, J.:
Residual-based a posteriori error estimate for a mixed Reissner-Mindlin plate finite element method,
Numer. Math., volume 103, pp. 225–250, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Yan, N. and Liu, W.:
A posteriori FE error control for p-Laplacian by gradient recovery in quasi-norm,
Math. Comp., volume 75, pp. 1599–1616, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Reliable and Efficient Averaging Techniques As Universal Tool For A Posteriori Finite Element Error Control On Unstructured Grids,
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Carstensen, C. and Hoppe, R. H. W.:
Error Reduction and Convergence For An Adaptive Mixed Finite Element Method,
Math. Comp., volume 75, pp. 1033–1042, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Yan, N. and Liu, W.:
A Posteriori Error Estimates for Finite Element Approximation of Parabolic p-Laplacian,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 43, pp. 2294–2319, 2006. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Hoppe, R. H. W.:
Convergence Analysis of an adaptive nonconforming finite element method,
Numer. Math., volume 103, pp. 251–266, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Orlando, A. and Valdman, J.:
A convergent adaptive finite element method for the primal problem of elastoplasticity,
Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg., volume 67, pp. 1851–1887, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Klose, R. and Orlando, A.:
Reliable and efficient equilibrated a posteriori error finite element error control in elastoplasticity and elastoviscoplasticity with hardening,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 195, pp. 2574–2598, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Bartels, S. and Hecht, A.:
P2Q2Iso2D=2D Isoparametric FEM in Matlab,
J. Comput. Appl. Math., volume 192, pp. 219–250, 2006. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Ten remarks on nonconvex minimisation for phase transition simulations,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 194, pp. 169–193, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Causin, P. and Sacco, R.:
A posteriori dual-mixed adaptive finite element error control for Lamé and Stokes equations,
Numer. Math., volume 101, pp. 309–332, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Orlando, A.:
Convergence of adaptive finite element methods in elastoplasticity,
PAMM, volume 5, pp. 829–830, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
Numerical analysis for a macroscopic model in micromagnetics,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 42, 2005. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Hoppe, R. H. W.:
Convergence analysis of an adaptive edge finite element method for the 2D Eddy current equations,
J. Numer. Math., volume 13, pp. 19–32, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Estimation of higher Sobolev norm from lower order approximation,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 42, pp. 2136–2147, 2005. [bibtex]
Braess, D., Carstensen, C. and Hackl, K.:
Gemischte und nicht-standard Finite-Elemente-Methoden mit Anwendungen,
MFO reports, volume 5, 2005. [bibtex]
Ainsworth, M., Carstensen, C. and Dörfler, W.:
Convergence of adaptive algorithms,
MFO reports, volume 37, 2005. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
Effective simulation of a macroscopic model for stationary micromagnetics,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 194, pp. 531–548, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Numerische Lösungsverfahren für nichtkonvexe Probleme der Elastoplastizität,
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Carstensen, C.:
A unifying theory of a posteriori finite element error control,
Numer. Math., volume 100, pp. 617–637, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Valdman, J. and Brokate, M.:
A quasi-static boundary value problem in multi-surface elastoplasticity: part 2 - numerical solution,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci., volume 28, pp. 881–901, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
Averaging Techniques for the effective numerical solution of Symm's integral equation of the first kind,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., volume 27, pp. 1226–1260, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Bahriawati, C. and Carstensen, C.:
Three MATLAB implementations of the lowest-order Raviart-Thomas MFEM with a posteriori error control,
Comput. Methods Appl. Math., volume 5, pp. 333–361, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Lazarov, R. and Tomov, S.:
Explicit and averaging a posteriori error estimates for adaptive finite volume methods,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 42, pp. 2496–2521, 2005. [full text] [bibtex]
Bartels, S., Carstensen, C., Plecháč, P. and Prohl, A.:
Convergence for stabilisation of degenerately convex minimisation problems,
IFB, volume 6, pp. 253–269, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Dolzmann, G.:
An a priori error estimate for finite element discretizations in nonlinear elasticity for polyconvex materials under small loads,
Numer. Math., volume 97, pp. 67–80, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Brokate, M., Carstensen, C. and Valdman, J.:
A quasi-static boundary value problem in multi-surface elastoplasticity. Part 1: Analysis,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci., volume 27, pp. 1697–1710, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Dolzmann, G.:
Time-space discretization of the nonlinear hyperbolic system u_{tt} = div (\sigma ({D}u) + {D}u_t),
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 42, pp. 75–89, 2004. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Sauter, S.A.:
A posteriori error analysis for elliptic PDEs on domains with complicated structures,
Numer. Math., volume 96, pp. 691–721, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Maischak, M., Praetorius, D. and Stephan, E. P.:
Residual-based a posteriori error estimate for hypersingular equation on surfaces,
Numer. Math., volume 97, pp. 397–425, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Bartels, S., Carstensen, C., Hackl, K. and Hoppe, U.:
Effective relaxation for microstructure simulations: algorithms and applications,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 193, pp. 5143–5175, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Bartels, S. and Carstensen, C.:
Averaging techniques yield reliable a posteriori finite element error control for obstacle problems,
Numer. Math., volume 99, pp. 225–249, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Bartels, S., Carstensen, C. and Dolzmann, G.:
Inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions in a priori and a posteriori finite element error analysis,
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Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
On Stabilized Models in Micromagnetics,
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Carstensen, C., Reddy, B. D. and Braess, D.:
Uniform convergence and a posteriori error estimators for the enhanced strain finite element method,
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Carstensen, C.:
All first-order averaging techniques for a posteriori finite element error control on unstructured grids are efficient and reliable,
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Carstensen, C.:
An adaptive mesh-refining algorithm allowing for an H^1 stable L^2 projection onto Courant finite element spaces,
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Carstensen, C.:
Some remarks on the history and future of averaging techniques in finite element error analysis,
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Carstensen, C. and Rieger, M. O.:
Young-measure approximations for elastodynamics with non-monotone stress-strain relations,
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., volume 38, pp. 397–418, 2004. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Praetorius, D.:
A posteriori error control in adaptive qualocation boundary element analysis for a logarithmic-kernel integral equation of the first kind,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., volume 25, pp. 253–283, 2003. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Klose, R.:
A posteriori finite element error control for the p-Laplace problem,
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Carstensen, C. and Jochimsen, K.:
Adaptive finite element methods for microstructures? Numerical experiments for a 2-well benchmark,
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Carstensen, C. and Weinberg, K.:
An adaptive non-conforming finite-element method for Reissner-Mindlin plates,
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Carstensen, C.:
Nonconvex energy minimisation and relaxation in computational material science,
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Carstensen, C. and Alberty, J.:
Averaging techniques for reliable a posteriori FE-error control in elastoplasticity with hardening,
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Carstensen, C., Bartels, S. and Jansche, S.:
A posteriori error estimates for nonconforming finite element methods,
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Carstensen, C., Hackl, K. and Mielke, A.:
Non-convex potentials and microstructures in finite-strain plasticity,
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Alberty, J. and Carstensen, C.:
Discontinuous Galerkin time discretization in elastoplasticity: motivation, numerical algorithms, and applications,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 191, pp. 4949–4968, 2002. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Klose, R.:
Elastoviscoplastic Finite Element Analysis in 100 lines of Matlab,
J. Numer. Math., volume 10, pp. 157–192, 2002. [full text] [bibtex]
Alberty, J., Carstensen, C., Funken, S. A. and Klose, R.:
Matlab implementation of the finite element method in elasticity,
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Carstensen, C., Carstensen, C. and Döllen, A. v.:
Numerische Schwingungssimulation – Modellierung und Algorithmen,
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Carstensen, C.:
Residual-based a posteriori error estimate for a nonconforming Reissner-Mindlin plate finite element,
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Carstensen, C. and Bartels, S.:
Each averaging technique yields reliable a posteriori error control in FEM on unstructured grids part I: Low order conforming, nonconforming, and mixed FEM,
Math. Comp., volume 71, pp. 945–969, 2002. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Merging the Bramble-Pasciak-Steinbach and the Crouzeix-Thomée criterion for H^1-stability of the L^2-projection onto finite element spaces,
Math. Comp., volume 71, pp. 157–163, 2002. [full text] [bibtex]
Bartels, S. and Carstensen, C.:
Each averaging technique yields reliable a posteriori error control in FEM on unstructured grids. Part II: Higher order FEM,
Math. Comp., volume 71, pp. 971–994, 2002. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Rynne, B.P.:
A posteriori error control for finite element approximations of the integral equation for thin wire antennas,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 82, pp. 284–288, 2002. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Müller, S.:
Local stress regularity in scalar nonconvex variational problems,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., volume 34, pp. 495–509, 2002. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Maischak, M. and Stephan, E. P.:
A posteriori error estimate and h-adaptive algorithm on surfaces for Symm's integral equation,
Numer. Math., volume 90, pp. 197–213, 2001. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Bartels, S. and Klose, R.:
An experimental survey of a posteriori Courant finite element error control for the Poisson equation,
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Carstensen, C.:
Numerical Analysis of microstructure,
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Carstensen, C. and Prohl, A.:
Numerical analysis of relaxed micromagnetics by penalised finite elements,
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Arnold, D. N., Carstensen, C. and Hoppe, R. H. W.:
Mixed finite element mehtods and applications,
MFO reports, volume 5, 2001. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Weinberg, K.:
Adaptive mixed finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plate,
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Carstensen, C. and Faermann, B.:
Mathematical foundation of a posteriori error estimates and adaptive mesh-refining algorithms for boundary integral equations of the first kind,
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Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Averaging technique for a posteriori error control in elasticity. Part III: Locking-free nonconforming FEM,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 191, pp. 861–877, 2001. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Averaging technique for FE-a posteriori error control in elasticity. Part I: Conforming FEM,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 190, pp. 2483–2498, 2001. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
A posteriori error control in low-order finite element discretisations of incompressible stationary flow problems,
Math. Comp., volume 70, pp. 1353–1381, 2001. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Plecháč, P.:
Numerical analysis of a relaxed variational model of hysteresis in two-phase solids,
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., volume 35, pp. 865–878, 2001. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Averaging technique for FE-a posteriori error control in elasticity. Part II: \lambda-independent estimates,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 190, pp. 4663–4675, 2001. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Hackbusch, W. and Hou, T. Y.:
Numerik von Mikrostrukturen,
MFO reports, volume 25, 2001. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Hackl, K.:
On microstructures occuring in a model of finite–strain elastoplasticity involving a single slip–system,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 80, pp. 421–422, 2000. [full text] [bibtex]
Bartels, S., Carstensen, C. and Plecháč, P.:
Finite element computation of macroscopic quantities in nonconvex minimisation problems and applications in materials science,
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Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Coupling of mixed finite elements and boundary elements,
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 20, pp. 461–480, 2000. [full text] [bibtex]
Hecht, A., Carstensen, C. and Zarrabi, D.:
Adaptive discretisation of shell problems,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 80, pp. 517–518, 2000. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Constants in Clément-interpolation error and residual based a posteriori estimates in finite element methods,
East-West J. Numer. Math., volume 8, pp. 153–175, 2000. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Dolzmann, G., Funken, S. A. and Helm, D. S.:
Locking-free mixed finite element methods in linear elasticity,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 190, pp. 1701–1781, 2000. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Plecháč, P.:
Numerical analysis of compatible phase transitions in elastic solids,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 37, pp. 2061–2081, 2000. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Weinberg, K.:
Calculating the energy-norm FEM-Error for Reissner-Mindlin plates without known reference solution,
Comput. Mech., volume 26, pp. 566–570, 2000. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Prohl, A.:
Numerical analysis of a relaxed model in micromagnetics,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 80, pp. 821–822, 2000. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Alberty, J. and Zarrabi, D.:
Numerical analysis of primal elastoplasticity with hardening,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 80, pp. 831–832, 2000. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Numerical approximation of Young measures in non-convex variational problems,
Numer. Math., volume 84, pp. 395–415, 2000. [full text] [bibtex]
Weinberg, K. and Carstensen, C.:
Adaptive mixed finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plates,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 80, pp. 559–560, 2000. [full text] [bibtex]
Alberty, J. and Carstensen, C.:
Numerical analysis of time-depending primal elastoplasticity with hardening,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 37, pp. 1271–1294, 2000. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Fully reliable localized error control in the FEM,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., volume 21, pp. 1465–1484 (electronic), 1999. [bibtex]
Alberty, J., Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Remarks around 50 lines of Matlab: short finite element implementation,
Numer. Algorithms, volume 20, pp. 117–137, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Hackbusch, W. and Luskin, M. B.:
Numerics of Microstructures,
MFO Tagungsbericht, volume 17, 1999. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Quasi-interpolation and a posteriori error analysis in finite element methods,
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal., volume 33, pp. 1187–1202, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Fully reliable error control in the h-p-version of FEM,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 79, pp. 135–138, 1999. [bibtex]
Ball, J. M. and Carstensen, C.:
Compatibility conditions for microstructures and the austenite-martensite transition,
MSE, volume 273–275, pp. 231–236, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Coupling of nonconforming finite elements and boundary elements. I: A priori estimates,
Computing, volume 62, pp. 229–241, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Gwinner, J.:
A theory of discretization for nonlinear evolution inequalities applied to parabolic Signorini problems,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), volume 177, pp. 363–394, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Numerical analysis of the primal problem of elastoplasticity with hardening,
Numer. Math., volume 82, pp. 577–597, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Funken, S. A.:
Coupling of nonconforming finite elements and boundary elements. II. A posteriori estimates and adaptive mesh-refinement,
Computing, volume 62, pp. 243–259, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Scherf, O. and Wriggers, P.:
Adaptive finite elements for elastic bodies in contact,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., volume 20, pp. 1605–1626, 1999. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Verfürth, R.:
Edge residuals dominate a posteriori error estimates for low order finite element methods,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 36, pp. 1571–1587, 1999. [bibtex]
Alberty, J., Carstensen, C. and Zarrabi, D.:
Adaptive numerical analysis in primal elastoplasticity with hardening,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., volume 171, pp. 175–204, 1999. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Plecháč, P.:
Adaptive algorithms for scalar non-convex variational problems,
Appl. Numer. Math., volume 26, pp. 203–216, 1998. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Kuhn, M. and Langer, U.:
Fast parallel solvers for symmetric boundary element domain decomposition equations,
Numer. Math., volume 79, pp. 321–347, 1998. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Dolzmann, G.:
A posteriori error estimates for mixed FEM in elasticity,
Numer. Math., volume 81, pp. 187–209, 1998. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Jansche, S.:
An a posteriori estimate for nonconforming finite element methods,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 78, pp. 871–872, 1998. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Wriggers, P.:
On the symmetric boundary element method and the symmetric coupling of boundary elements and finite elements,
IMA J. Numer. Anal., volume 17, pp. 201–238, 1997. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Jansche, S.:
A posteriori error estimates and adaptive algorithms for mixed and non-conform FEM,
In Numerical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics (M. Feistauer, R. Rannacher, K. Kozel., ed.), pp. 187–195, 1997. (Proceedings of the 3rd Summer Conference held in Prague, 8-11 September 1997.) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Plecháč, P.:
Numerical solution of the scalar double-well problem allowing microstructure,
Math. Comp., volume 66, pp. 997–1026, 1997. [full text] [bibtex]
Ball, J. M. and Carstensen, C.:
Nonclassical austenite-martensite interfaces,
J. Phys., volume 7, pp. 35–40, 1997. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Domain decomposition for a non-smooth convex minimization problem and its application to plasticity,
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., volume 4, pp. 177–190, 1997. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Gwinner, J.:
FEM and BEM coupling for a nonlinear transmission problem with Signorini contact,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 34, pp. 1845–1864, 1997. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
A posteriori error estimate for the mixed finite element method,
Math. Comp., volume 66, pp. 465–476, 1997. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stephan, E. P.:
Adaptive boundary-element methods for transmission problems,
J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. B, volume 38, pp. 336–367, 1997. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Funken, S. A. and Stephan, E. P.:
On the adaptive coupling of FEM and BEM in 2-d-elasticity,
Numer. Math., volume 77, pp. 187–221, 1997. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
An a posteriori error estimate for a first kind integral equation,
Math. Comp., volume 66, pp. 139–155, 1997. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Numerical analysis of the (relaxed) double well problem,
In ENUMATH 97 (H. G. Bock et al., ed.), World Scientific Publishing, pp. 230–237, 1997. (Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Heidelberg) [bibtex]
Beckermann, B. and Carstensen, C.:
QD-type algorithms for the nonnormal Newton-Padé approximation table,
Constr. Approx., volume 12, pp. 307–329, 1996. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Coupling of FEM and BEM for interface problems in viscoplasticity and plasticity with hardening,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 33, pp. 171–207, 1996. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Zarrabi, D. and Stephan, E. P.:
On the h-adaptive coupling of FE and BE for viscoplastic and elastoplastic interface problems,
J. Comput. Appl. Math., volume 75, pp. 345–363, 1996. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stephan, E. P.:
Adaptive boundary element methods for some first kind integral equations,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 33, pp. 2166–2183, 1996. [bibtex]
Brink, U., Carstensen, C. and Stein, E.:
Symmetric coupling of boundary elements and Raviart-Thomas-Type mixed finite elements in elastostatics,
Numer. Math., volume 75, pp. 153–174, 1996. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Numerical analysis of nonconvex minimization problems allowing microstructures,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 76, pp. 497–498, 1996. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Funken, S. A. and Stephan, E. P.:
A posteriori error estimates for hp–boundary element methods,
Appl.Anal., volume 61, pp. 233–253, 1996. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
A posteriori error estimate for the symmetric coupling of finite elements and boundary elements,
Computing, volume 57, pp. 301–322, 1996. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Efficiency of a posteriori BEM-error estimates for first-kind integral equations on quasi-uniform meshes,
Math. Comp., volume 65, pp. 69–84, 1996. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Petković, M. S. and Trajkovíc, M.:
Weierstrass formula and zero-finding methods,
Numer. Math., volume 69, pp. 353–372, 1995. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stephan, E. P.:
Interface problems in elastoviscoplasticity,
Quart. Appl. Math., volume 53, pp. 633–655, 1995. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stephan, E. P.:
Adaptive coupling of boundary elements and finite elements,
RAIRO Model. Math. Anal. Numer., volume 29, pp. 779–817, 1995. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Stephan, E. P. and Estep, D.:
h-adaptive boundary element schemes,
Comput. Mech., volume 15, pp. 372–383, 1995. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Adaptive boundary element methods and adaptive finite element and boundary element coupling,
In Boudary Value Problems and Integral Equations on Non-Smooth Domains (M. Costabel, M. Dauge, S. Nicaise, ed.), Dekker, volume 167, pp. 47–58, 1995. (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stephan, E. P.:
Coupling of FEM and BEM for a nonlinear interface problem: the h-p version,
Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, volume 11, pp. 539–554, 1995. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Sakurai, T.:
Simultaneous factorization of a polynomial by rational approximation,
J. Comput. Appl. Math., volume 61, pp. 165–178, 1995. [full text] [bibtex]
Wriggers, P., Scherf, O. and Carstensen, C.:
An adaptive finite element method for frictionless contact problems,
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 75, pp. 37–40, 1995. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Numerical analysis of nonconvex minimization problems allowing microstructures,
In Numerical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics (M. Feistauer, R. Rannacher, K. Kozel., ed.), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, 1995. (Proceedings of the 2nd Summer Conference held in Prague 22–25 August 1994) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Petković, M. S.:
On a real measure of convergence of single step methods,
In IX Conference on Applied Mathematics (D. Herceg, Lj. Cvetković, ed.), Institute of Mathematics, pp. 101–110, 1995. (Budva, 1994) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stephan, E. P.:
A posteriori error estimates for boundary element methods,
Math. Comp., volume 64, pp. 483–500, 1995. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C., Mühlbach, G. and Schmidt, G.:
De Casteljau's algorithm is an extrapolation method,
Comput. Aided Geom. Design, volume 12, pp. 371–380, 1995. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Zarrabi, D.:
An a posteriori error estimate for the unsymmetric coupling of FEM and BEM,
In Numerical Treatment of Coupled Systems. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics. (W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum, ed.), Vieweg-Verlag, volume 51, pp. 25–36, 1995. (Proceedings of the 11th GAMM–Seminar Kiel) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Petković, M. S.:
On root finding methods with corrections,
Serdica, volume 20, pp. 148–157, 1994. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Interface problems in viscoplasticity and plasticity,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., volume 25, pp. 1468–1487, 1994. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
A note on simultaneous rootfinding for algebraic, exponential and trigonometric polynomials,
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 27, pp. 7–14, 1994. [full text] [bibtex]
Wriggers, P., Scherf, O. and Carstensen, C.:
Adaptive techniques for the contact of elastic bodies.,
In Recent Developments in Finite Element Analysis (T. J. R. Hughes, E. Onate, O. C. Zienkiewicz, ed.), International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), pp. 78–86, 1994. [bibtex]
Stein, E., Seifert, B., Ohnimus, S. and Carstensen, C.:
Adaptive finite element analysis of geometrically non-linear plates and shells, especially buckling,
Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg., volume 37, pp. 2631–2655, 1994. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Petković, M. S.:
An improvement of Gargantini's simultaneous inclusion method for polynomial roots by Schröder's correction,
Appl. Numer. Math., volume 13, pp. 453–468, 1994. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Petković, M. S.:
On some interval methods for algebraic, exponential and trigonometric polynomials,
Computing, volume 51, pp. 313–326, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Nonlinear interface problems in solid mechanics – Finite element and boundary element coupling, PhD thesis, University of Hanover, 1993. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Petković, M. S.:
Some improved inclusion methods for polynomial roots with Weierstraß' corrections,
Comput. Math. Appl., volume 25, pp. 59–67, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Petković, M. S.:
On iteration methods without derivatives for the simultaneous determination of polynomial zeros,
J. Comput. Appl. Math., volume 45, pp. 251–266, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
An interface problem in solid mechanics with a linear elastic and a hyperelastic material,
Math. Nachr., volume 163, pp. 269–279, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Beckermann, B. and Carstensen, C.:
Global identities in the non-normal Newton-Padé approximation table,
J. Approx. Theory, volume 74, pp. 199–220, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Wriggers, P.:
On pertubation behaviour in non-linear dynamics,
Comm. Numer. Methods Engrg., volume 9, pp. 165–175, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Interface problems in holonomic elastoplasticity,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci., volume 16, pp. 819–835, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
On quadratic-like convergence of the means for two methods for simultaneous rootfinding of polynomials,
BIT, volume 33, pp. 64–73, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Reinders, M.:
On a class of higher-order methods for simultaneous root finding of generalized polynomials,
Numer. Math., volume 64, pp. 69–84, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Wagner, W.:
Detecting symmetry-breaking bifurcation points of symmetric structures,
Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg., volume 36, pp. 3019–3039, 1993. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
On simultaneous factoring of a polynomial,
Internat. J. Comput. Math., volume 46, pp. 51–61, 1992. [bibtex]
Wriggers, P. and Carstensen, C.:
An efficient algorithm for the computation of stability points of dynamical systems under step load,
Engrg. Comp., volume 9, pp. 669–679, 1992. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
On Grau's method for simultaneous factorization of polynomials,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., volume 29, pp. 601–613, 1992. [bibtex]
Beckermann, B. and Carstensen, C.:
A reliable modification of the cross rule for rational Hermite interpolation,
Numer. Algorithms, volume 3, pp. 29–44, 1992. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Mühlbach, G.:
The Neville-Aitken formula for rational interpolants with prescribed poles,
Numer. Algorithms, volume 3, pp. 133–141, 1992. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Inclusion of the roots of a polynomial based on Gerschgorin's theorem,
Numer. Math., volume 59, pp. 349–360, 1991. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Anwendungen von Begleitmatrizen (Applications of companion matrices),
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 71, pp. T809–T812, 1991. (Bericht über die Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der GAMM (Hannover, 1990), in German) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Linear construction of companion matrices,
Linear Algebra Appl., volume 149, pp. 191–214, 1991. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
On a general rho-algorithm,
J. Comput. Appl. Math., volume 33, pp. 61–71, 1990. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
On a general epsilon algorithm,
In Numerical and Applied Mathematics (C. Brezinski, ed.), IMACS, pp. 437–441, 1989. [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stein, E.:
Über die Falksche ECP-Transformation und Verallgemeinerungen (On Falk's ECP transformation and generalizations),
ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech., volume 69, pp. 375–391, 1989. [full text] [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Lineare Konstruktion und Anwendungen von Begleitmatrizen (Linear construction of companion matrices), PhD thesis, University of Hanover, 1989. (Forschungs- und Seminarberichte aus dem Bereich der Mechanik der Universität Hannover, F89/5.) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Zur theoretischen und numerischen Behandlung von Stabilitätsproblemen (Theory and numerical analysis of stability problems), Master's thesis, University of Hanover, 1988. (Unpublished) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C.:
Konvergenzbeschleunigung mit nichtlinearen Verfahren (Acceleration of convergence with non-linear methods), Master's thesis, University of Hanover, 1987. (Unpublished) [bibtex]
Carstensen, C. and Stein, E.:
Analysis und Berechnung der Falk'schen ECP-Transformation und verwandte Probleme (Analysis and computation of Falk's ECP transformation and related problems),
Chapter in Numerical treatment of eigenvalue problems, Vol.\ 4 (Oberwolfach, 1986), Birkhäuser, volume 83, pp. 47–61, 1987. [bibtex]